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Turn Around Americans!
(before you lose all your liberties and this republic to socialism and tyranny)

by Douglas Roy

I agree with Pastor Steve Brown, M. Div. Asbury, that the best way to turn around America's fall into socialism and depravity, is a national movement of the "sleeping giant" - Christian America -  to wake up and get permanently involved in its government again and to amend the Constitution to put the clamps down on the Supreme Court and put in place checks and balances for the states and Congress to check any and all courts.  It is the tyranny of judicial edict and bad or deliberate misinterpretations of law, that are bringing America down. Laws made from the bench and not by our real lawmakers. This is undermining our Constitution. It is rebellion against our laws and it's now spreading to the other branches.

The Supremes think somehow they are untouchable and do whatever they please. They think only they are capable of interpreting the Constitution and they have succeeded in changing its meaning to the detriment of us all.
Please order the book, "Americas Godly Heritage" by David Barton.  It explains briefly their misdeeds and the devastating effect on our children and our country. Perhaps you've already read it but urge others to do the same. It is a very small book, only 52 pages of reading, but it's content is powerful.

This new movement is about to begin. It is called Christians For Liberty. America was founded a Christian nation on Biblical principles. Its people and laws were Bible based, not the Koran or any other religious or irreligious beliefs.

Our nation is still mainly Christians, but our government has been turning into a secular atheist based system which is incompatible with our Constitution. All Christian/Biblical laws are being undermined and eliminated systematically. In a few short years, Christianity will be altogether outlawed or effectively put underground by the government, much as the former Soviet Union, which was a communist, socialist, atheist state.

Today, after the Soviet Union's fall, Russia has more religious liberty than America and their majority religion is also Christianity, due to the large underground movement of persecuted Christians that actually were far more responsible for the fall of communism than Ronald Reagan.

America is fast becoming a socialist state and Christianity and Christians are the main barrier to the final demise of our Constitution. The new hate laws are one example of legislation being enacted to criminalize free speech of Christians who oppose homosexual marriage and practice and all other forms of deviancy and socially perverse behavior.

One should not suppose that the demise of America is happening only by the left or liberals. There are many from all sides and the center with common goals to undermine Christianity and the Constitution. George Bush did much to undermine our Constitution in the name of "the war on terror."
There were far more egregious crimes against American's in our Revolutionary War, than this supposed war on terror. The British terrorized the American countryside, killing and torturing not only prisoners of war, but civilians also.

Our lack of knowledge of our own history has allowed Americans to go along with the tactics of the Bush administration that reduced our liberties in the name of anti-terrorism. Bush laid many blocks on the foundation of a new American government with a far more powerful federal government, adding to previous administrations and now being quickly added to by Barrack Obama. Only an uprising of a great number of Christian Americans can possibly stop this downhill snowball being pushed by the socialists wearing democrat and republican clothing. Only they can crush this move of rebellion to our Constitution and our original form of government to restore our liberties based on our Christian foundation.

The new socialist/libertarian wave promotes the freedom to do whatever sinful or perverse thing you want, condemning all who promote Christian morals in society and government. The nature of evil is such that to eliminate laws against it only brings further bondage and degradation to society, not liberty, as the libertarians and socialists suggest. The old, but firm, foundation of Christian liberty and Constitutional government, promotes liberty from government tyranny with personal responsibility and liberty to do good, but not evil.  There is a distinct difference. Freedom to do wrong and sinful acts only brings bondage to those deeds and behaviors and harms ourselves and our fellow men, while true liberty is healthy and does good to its fellow American and foreign neighbor alike.

If we think that we can have a good form of government without the influence of Christ and his religion, we are only deceiving ourselves. As the Scripture clearly tells us: "Now the Lord is that Spirit: and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty. " II Cor. 3:17   Peter explains further about the false teachers of today who promote the liberty to do sinful deeds:  2 Peter 2:19 (KJV) 19While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage.  Psalms 33:12 (KJV) 12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.  Proverbs 14:34 (KJV) 34Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.  Psalms 9:17 (KJV) 17    The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.